Fine dining restaurants have been around for many years. They can be classified as restaurants which have a superior reputation, usually are more expensive, run by an esteemed chef and are governed by a strict set of rules. In many fine dining restaurants, a strict dress code must be adhered to at all times, and talking too loudly, or behaving in an outgoing manner, is not permitted.
The food served at fine dining restaurants is generally held in high regard by those who review and regularly visit exceptional restaurants. The menus are often quite pared down, offering just a few excellent choices, rather than a large selection to choose from. The portion sizes are usually small, but you will dine over many courses, sometimes as many as seven.
Fine dining restaurants are often criticised as being too expensive and exclusive, and caring more about a particular clientele, than the quality of the food which is being served. Most of the time, though not always, fine dining restaurants are based in large global cities such as London, New York, Paris and Tokyo, as this is where they have the best customer base.